Your home’s foundation has been treated for termites, you have created a barrier between you and potential termite damage and that’s that. That is not necessarily so if you have done any landscaping or construction near your home’s foundation. Any activity such as digging near the foundation of your home may disrupt that termite-treated zone or barrier intended to prevent a termite infestation.
Know Before You Dig

Think of it just like Arkansas One-Call that requires you to call 811 before digging to locate underground utilities. Unfortunately, there’s not an easy number to call like 811 to locate the termite barrier for you, it’s just something that every homeowner needs to be mindful of when working on the exterior of their home.

I love a beautifully mulched flowerbed; because it not only upgrades the curb appeal of my home, it provides insulation and warmth to my plants in the winter and moisture retention in the dryer summer months. However, mulch is also attractive to termites for the same reasons as they are looking for warmth and moisture. In order to protect your home’s termite barrier, rake mulch away from the home’s foundation. Many experts also recommend a hardwood mulch over a softwood. Unfortunately, the hardwood is a bit more difficult to find and more expensive, but if it avoids a termite infestation, in the future the added expense could be worth it.

Before beginning any construction project, it is best to inspect your exterior for signs of termites to avoid disturbing them before they can be properly treated. If you suspect termite activity, be sure to give Terminator Termite and Pest Control a call to properly treat them.
Terminator Termite and Pest Control is here for all your pest control needs. From applying the termite barrier to a new foundation to developing a maintenance plan especially for your home, they’ve got you covered. Give them a call today.