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Termite Season is Here
Spring has sprung which means the termites will soon be swarming (basically, flying termites). After the last freeze, usually when temperatures reach about 70 degrees, the young adult male and female swarmers emerge from their nests in large groups. These swarms and their shed wings left behind are often the only visible signs of these pests.
moreSigns of Termite Infestation
The majority of real estate purchase contracts are contingent upon a termite inspection. Many people are often surprised if the termite inspection comes back showing termite infestation. The U.S. Forest Service reports that subterranean termites (common to Arkansas and Oklahoma) are the most destructive insect pests of wood in the United States causing more than $2 billion in damage each year. That is more than the damage caused by fire and windstorms combined! As you can see from the map provided by the Forestry Service Arkansas and Oklahoma range from Region 1 Very Heavy to Region II Moderate to Heavy. Whether you are selling your home or not, there are signs, you can look for to avoid any surprises and stop further damage if you do have termites. Termite damage to wood is often unnoticeable on the surface.
moreThe Importance of Annual Termite Inspections
People know that termites can be invading their home or business for a while before there are any outward signs, yet many people do not have an annual termite inspection to ensure there are no termites causing damage.
moreTermites Can Enter Through More Than Just Wood
You may think that termites can only enter a structure through wood at the ground level, but that is not true. Termites are able to cross many feet of brick, concrete, metal termite shields, and treated wood through mud tubes that they build. These mud tubes make it possible for them to reach the upper floors of a structure as well as lower levels. They can find their way into a concrete foundation through cracks and cracks in brick mortar. They will also use the holes in concrete blocks to travel through foundation walls.
moreDebunking Termite Myths
There are many myths out there about termites and The Terminator is here to help you debunk those myths!
moreKeeping Termites Out Of Your Business
When people hear the word, “termites”, they often associate it with a home. While it is true that termites cause billions of dollars of damage every year to homes in the United States, they can also wreak havoc on your business as well. Termites will not only invade your business structurally, but they can also harm your business’ reputation, image, and profitability. As with other pests, one sighting can almost immediately tarnish an otherwise good business reputation due to customers’ perception about the cleanliness of your business.
moreSummer Pests
Summer is here and one thing we all love about the warm days is all the outdoor activities like pool parties, barbeques and picnics. One thing we all hate about summer is all the pests that go along with it. As the temperature rises, so does the population of unwanted insects. The pests not only annoy us outdoors, but also can make their way into our homes.
moreSummer Days Bring the Scorpions Out to Play
Several years ago, we got a really great deal on our home, yeah, we knew it needed some TLC, but what we did not know was that it was infested with scorpions. It was not uncommon to see five or six every day. I had never lived anywhere that had scorpions and I actually told my husband that we were going to have to move because I couldn’t deal with it. I’m happy to say that we’re still in our home and scorpion free! Yes, it took working with the exterminator to get them under control. They are quite resilient.
moreSpiders, Oh My!
Have you ever seen the memes on social media with the burning house behind the homeowner holding a blowtorch and the caption is, “There was a spider.” Yeah, that is my daughter. She is absolutely terrified of spiders. I am pretty sure she would rather burn the place down than let a spider roam free in her bedroom. That’s why we don’t miss a single pest control appointment because I don’t want to come home to find my home burnt to the ground due to a spider sighting! Plus, Gracie will not step foot in the house if she thinks there is a spider roaming about.
moreA Summer Flea Invasion
Summer is the time for all things outdoors from hiking to cookouts to late summer nights around the campfire. Unfortunately, summer is also a time for fleas. Fleas are especially problematic if you have pets that run around the yard and then come inside. Fleas have a way of making their way into your home via the family pet and it seems as if a flea infestation can appear overnight. That is why it is extremely important to have your house and yard sprayed by a professional exterminator.
moreHow to Prevent a Cockroach Invasion
Cockroaches are not just a pest you don’t want anywhere near your home, they carry germs because they love to live near sewers, drains, and garbage. They are also known for carrying pathogens in their bodies that cause serious diseases such as Salmonella Typhi (causes Typhoid), Poliomyelitis (causes Polio) and Dysentery, which is severe diarrhea that may include bleeding. Needless to say, a cockroach problem is something you do not want. Their slim, flat bodies allow them to hide easily and to top it off, they are fast runners.
moreSummer Pests Are Still a Problem
Just because the summer months are coming to an end doesn’t mean summer insects are ending anytime soon. Unfortunately, we still have a few weeks left for those summer pests. Here are a few that you are likely to see still hanging around for a while longer and how to avoid them:
moreCockroaches Outlived the Dinosaurs - That's Why You Need a Professional to Get Rid of Them
There are approximately 3,500 known species of cockroaches worldwide, but, fortunately, only six species are found in Arkansas. Those species are the German cockroach, the brown-banded cockroach, the American cockroach, the Smokybrown cockroach, the Oriental cockroach and Woods cockroach. It doesn’t matter what species invades your home, they are unwelcome nonetheless.
moreWasp Prevention
When I think of wasps, I always think of my mom. I know. Weird, right? It’s funny how odd little things make us think of loved ones. You see, she was deathly allergic to red wasps. So much so that she was terrified to go outside her home to do any type of gardening or yard work.
moreBeware of Hitchhiking Bed Bugs
Do you leave your home? If so, chances are you could unknowingly pick up bed bugs and bring them back home. Bed bugs can be found in every state in the US and all over the world. Since bedbugs are blood-eating bugs, they dwell almost exclusively with humans and they are happy to hitch a ride with an unsuspecting host. Many people believe they are only picked up in hotel rooms, while it is true you can pick them up from a hotel there are many other places such as:
moreIt’s Winter and The Ants Are Still Here
Just because summer is over doesn’t mean that you might not have an ant problem. In fact, during the cold, wet months they are more likely to invite themselves into your home. Ants are cold-blooded and your home is a fantastic shelter for them. They are also looking for a food source as outdoor plants and grains become scarce in the winter. To keep ants out of your home follow these simple tips:
moreAvoiding Christmas Pests
“It’s that time, Christmas time is here everybody knows, there’s not a better time of year. Hear that sleigh, Santa’s on his way hip, hip, hooray for Christmas vacation…” Do you recognize that song? I’m sure you do. It’s from the popular movie, Christmas Vacation.
morePaper Wasps in the Winter Months
It’s winter! Then, why in the world do you see a wasp flying around your house? One particular type of wasp that is common to our area is the paper wasp (Polisties sp.). They are called paper wasps because they build papery, water-resistant nests from fibers from dead wood and plant stems mixed with saliva. The nest has open combs allowing for rearing broods when the time is right. The constricted stalk anchors the nest in a protected place like the eave of a house or underside of a deck. After the nest is constructed, the wasps secrete a chemical that is spread around the base of the anchor to repel ants and prevent the loss of eggs or brood.
morePest Control During the Winter
The cold temperatures in the winter keep the flying insects like mosquitos and flies away. A welcome relief from those little nuisances when we do get a warm day to enjoy the outdoors in the winter months. However, just because we don’t see those outdoor pests doesn’t mean that we should neglect pest control during the winter months. Cold weather leaves mice, cockroaches and spiders scurrying about seeking shelter. Guess where that shelter is? You guessed it! Your warm and cozy homemaking pest control just as important during the winter as it is during all the other seasons.
In addition to continuing regularly scheduled pest control appointments, you can do the following to keep pests from hibernating for the winter in your home:
moreTermite Control
It’s winter and the last thing on your mind is probably termites, but don’t let the cold temps fool you, because some termite species—including subterranean termites—can and do remain active year-round. You won’t see these guys hard at work eating away at wood 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but they are. They are working hard to get the termite swarmers ready to emerge from their nests after the last freeze when the temperatures hit about 70 degrees. That’s why it’s important when making termite control decisions to hire a professional with extensive knowledge of building construction and an understanding of potential entry points that are hidden and difficult to access to protect your home or business.
moreTermite Swarmers Are Coming!
Although we have had very few warm and sunny days, termite season is upon us. As soon as temperatures reach about 70 degrees the young adult male and female swarmers emerge from their nests in large groups. They tend to come out after a rain as early as March or April. They can be quite annoying, but the only good thing about swarmers is they are very often the only outwardly visible signs that you have termites.
moreSigns of a Termite Infestation
Termites might not be at the top of your priority list these days, and that is certainly understandable given the current pandemic, but at a minimum, they should be on your radar. Termites can cause thousands of dollars’ worth of damage. What is even scarier is that termite infestations can grow quickly without you ever suspecting a thing about them until it’s too late. Here are the top signs of termite infestation:
moreIt's Termite Storm Season
It’s severe storm season here in the River Valley. Another storm you may not be aware of is termite season. Although these guys are tiny, they are mighty because they can cause some major damage to your home. They are often called ‘silent destroyers’ because they can work away for a very long time without being noticed. Termites are responsible for cumulatively costing homeowners more than $5 billion in property damage annually.
moreHow Do Termites Cause So Much Damage
Although homeowners and business owners believe termites can cause costly damage, it is often hard for them to understand just exactly how these pests that measure between one-quarter and one-half inch can do so much harm to a structure. One problem with termites is that they don’t discriminate. They don’t care what type of construction it is, because they are looking for food and cellulose used in buildings is a favored food source.
moreKnow Before You Dig
Your home’s foundation has been treated for termites, you have created a barrier between you and potential termite damage and that’s that. That is not necessarily so if you have done any landscaping or construction near your home’s foundation. Any activity such as digging near the foundation of your home may disrupt that termite-treated zone or barrier intended to prevent a termite infestation.
moreDo Mosquitoes and Ticks Transmit COVID-19?
As we enter June that means barbeques, outdoor events, and fun in the sun. Unfortunately, it also means mosquitoes and ticks. One question that seems to be coming up quite frequently lately is whether or not these pests can transmit COVID-19 to humans. At this time, the CDC says that they do not have any data to suggest it is spread by mosquitoes and ticks. All information available to them still indicates that COVID-19 spreads from person to person. This past April Pest World published a similar article stating something similar. The National Pest Management Association’s chief entomologist made a similar statement, “At this time, there is currently no evidence to suggest that pests like mosquitoes and ticks can be implicated in the transmission of COVID-19.” He did, however, go on to say that, these pests are able to transmit other serious diseases that include West Nile Virus and Lyme disease. Although they do not transmit COVID-19, you still need to protect yourself and your family from these pests.
moreAvoiding an Ant Invasion
The official start of summer is just a few days away and the temperature is rising and so is the population of unwanted insects. Ants seem to be one of those summer pests that can invade quickly. Have you ever noticed that you rarely ever see just one ant, it seems as if you see hundreds? It’s like they appear out of nowhere to form a marching parade across your kitchen counter. There are a few simple steps you can take to keep the ant parade out of your home.
moreMoving and Cockroaches
These last few months have involved us moving our daughter from her campus apartment earlier than expected due to COVID-19, us moving into a new home, and finally, our oldest daughter making a move to relocate for her job. Besides a lot of hard work, these moves have involved a lot of cardboard boxes. I feel like I have been dealing with boxes for most of this year. Somehow, it seems as if boxes and cockroaches go hand in hand because it never fails at least one makes its way into your home via one of those boxes. These guys easily flatten their bodies and wiggle their way into the corrugated layers of the box and go virtually unnoticed until they suddenly appear scurrying across your floor. The last thing anyone wants to deal with is a roach problem. Besides being a nuisance, they spread germs, bacteria, and filth everywhere they go.
moreVenomous Spiders
For my daughter, a spider is a spider, is a spider. It doesn’t matter if it is poisonous or not. If she sees one near her, that poor thing made the wrong choice because it’s going to be dead in a matter of two seconds flat or she will just leave the room or, you know, burn the house down. In fact, back when she was about 14 years old she was home alone and a spider was in her room.
moreKeeping Summer Pests Out of Your Home
It’s hard to believe we are entering the last month of summer, but don’t worry because there is still plenty of time for summer fun, which means there is still plenty of summer pests such as ants, flies, gnats, roaches, and wasps. How do you keep those summer pests out of your home?
moreThere is a Reason They Are Called "Fire Ants"
Fire ants have been around in Arkansas since about the 1950s, but my most vivid memory of them wasn’t until I lived in Pensacola, Florida. Those little devils are everywhere down there. It is not a matter of if they will show up in your yard but rather when. Fire ants entered the United States through the port in Mobile, Alabama in the 1930s, so it only makes sense that they are so bad in the south.1 In Arkansas and Oklahoma fire ants are predominantly in the southern portions, but they are active in some parts of the River Valley. Fire ants are indicated by red in the above map. They are commonly named fire ants due to their ability to inflict painful stings.
moreBed Bugs Are a Nightmare
Bed bugs could possibly rank up there with one of my worst nightmares. I’m typically not squeamish when it comes to bugs. Of course, I don’t want them taking up residence in my home, but when I see them it doesn’t make me want to burn my house down and completely lose my mind like my daughter does when it comes to spiders. However, there is something about those tiny bed bugs makes me come close to going crazy. I think it’s because they are small and hard to spot. Their flat bodies are about the size of an apple seed. They don’t fly but are quick movers. Even worse, female bed bugs can lay hundreds of eggs, which are the size of a speck of dust. One bright side is that they aren’t believed to transmit diseases.
moreWhy Are There More Spiders in September?
Have you noticed an increase in spiders during September? Although you may notice them more, there are not necessarily suddenly more spiders, just more sightings. Most spiders live for just one year. They hatch from eggs in the spring, grow and mature during the warmer months, reach maturity in summer or fall and seek mates to reproduce. The reason for more sightings is that the males are looking for female mates. After mating, the females lay eggs in an egg sac and most of the mature spiders die. The cycle resumes in the spring when the eggs hatch. This is the general cycle of spiders, of course, some species and occurrences can deviate a bit, but overall this is how a spider’s life cycle goes.
moreCockroaches are Looking For the Perfect Place to Live This Fall: Your Home!
There are about 55 species of cockroaches found in the United States and fortunately, only six species are typically found in Arkansas. These six species are the German cockroach, the brown-banded cockroach, the American cockroach, the smokybrown cockroach, the oriental cockroach, and woods cockroaches. They have a lifespan of six months to 18 months leaving very little time for them to hibernate. That’s why when the temperatures start to go down, cockroaches tend to show up. The largest roach species found in Arkansas is the American cockroach. Although these guys can tolerate cold weather and some can even live in below-freezing temperatures for a short time, they prefer to stay warm. What better place to find that perfect 70-degree environment than in your home?
moreKeep Your Family Safe From Stinging Insects
Wasp stings are a serious threat to public health due to a large number of people having an allergic reaction to them. Allergic reactions account for roughly a quarter-million emergency room visits each year. Unfortunately, of those allergic reactions approximately 100 people die annually. Contrary to belief, wasps are not necessarily aggressive unless their colony is threatened. When the colony is threatened a coordinated assault is launched on the perceived predator. When this happens, the release of alarm pheromones is released attracting other colony defenders to the intruder. One of the more aggressive stinging insects is the yellow jacket. People that are allergic to them should be especially careful from August through October when the yellow jacket numbers peak due to looking for food sources to take back to the developing queens. Just like wasps, they don’t attack unless threatened.
moreWinter Pest Maintenance
Many people believe that they don’t need pest control in the cold winter months because many pests such as wasps and scorpions aren’t in sight. However, a little continued pest maintenance in the winter months will help homeowners prepare for the warmer weather. Some pests like to hibernate in your home during the colder weather. Spiders and rodents tend to make their way indoors and take up residence creating a problem for all the humans living in the home.
moreDon't Be Fooled by the Colder Temperatures
As the temperatures drop outside you may be fooled into thinking that termites will either hibernate or be killed off by the cold temperatures. Unfortunately, the cold temps can make your home even more of a target because termites are seeking warmth from your home. It’s true they aren’t as active and don’t swarm until the spring, but they aren’t dormant and don’t hibernate for the winter. Instead, they retreat to their nests until the temperatures warm up.
morePreventing Wasps Near Your Home
Just because the thermometer and calendar says that it is winter, doesn’t mean that it’s too early to start thinking about wasp prevention. Wasps tend to show up as uninvited guests to outdoor events where they are interested in your food or drink and can potentially become aggressive. Wasps are beneficial and aid in pollution. They are attracted to flowers that feed on the sweet, high-energy nectar they produce. They are attracted to some more than others; therefore, keeping those plants out of your yard will help keep them away from your home.
moreEnjoy a Summer Free of Wasps
Insects such as wasps, scorpions, and ants do not typically adhere to man-made borders. However, they generally stay within areas that have an available food supply, weather, environmental factors, water supply, and areas that are conducive to mating patterns. They are also very territorial once they find these desirable factors. One way to keep them away from your home is to avoid giving them the things they desire and need by keeping things around your home tidy and free of water and food sources. Wasps can be difficult to get rid of after they have found the ideal conditions. Terminator Termite and Pest Control developed a new product and application method in 2014 to eliminate wasps from setting up nests on a structure.
moreSigns You Could Have Termites
Spring is practically here and along with it comes termites. When the season turns, the termites swarm. These guys have been waiting for the cold winter months to end so they can get out and about. Watch out for these signs that you could have a termite infestation.
moreTermites Know a Thing or Two About Survival
Termites have been around for millions of years. In fact, a 2015 article published by says they are the oldest society on earth that was first created about 200 million years ago. The termite society is extremely successful due to their ability to get along with each other, allowing them adaptability when they are threatened.
moreThe Difference Between Wood Rot & Termite Damage
It’s true that termites cause an estimated $5 billion in property damage each year in the United States. Unfortunately, this cost is usually not covered by homeowners insurance. That is why it is important to proactively prevent these pests from establishing a colony in and around your home. It’s no wonder when people find wood rot that they often assume the worst-case scenario, a termite infestation. How do you tell the difference?
moreCould You Be Attracting Termites to Your Home?
The warmer weather brings us outside to take care of all those outdoor tasks we weren’t able to do during the cold winter months. This is the perfect time of year to take care of them, especially in this part of the country because it isn’t too hot yet and it’s not too cold. One of the first items on the to-do list is the landscaping. I love planting new flowers and sprucing up the flowerbeds brightening up the exterior of my home. However, did you know that using mulch too close to your home’s foundation could attract termites? Check out these things around your home that could be inviting termites to come on over:
moreAnt Portraits
National Geographic recently published a gallery of ant portraits photographed by Eduard Florin Nigra. He has produced a series of ant “headshots” that is quoted as “[opening] a door to a completely new world.” The ant portraits are incredible and really do give us a unique insight into these fascinating creatures. The ants were photographed along with many other species for Nigra’s recently published book Ants: Workers of the World. He said his goal in producing the book is to highlight the fascinating microscopic universe that exists around us but one of which is usually impossible to see. Take a look for yourself for this incredible photography and to read more about his study.
moreHistoric Buildings Can Have More Pest Problems
Historic buildings have a character that most modern buildings can’t replicate. From the detailed craftsmanship to the architecture, their charm and cultural significance are uncanny. Unfortunately, because of their age, they can have more pest problems than modern buildings. There are a couple of reasons for this. One is that modern buildings have more advanced pest control measures used from the beginning of construction, as the foundation is required to be pre-treated for termites whereas historic properties were most likely regulated under outdated code and pest control techniques. The other reason is that the longer a building has existed the more time pests have to burrow into its infrastructure. Other pest issues specific to older buildings are:
moreDon't Become a Victim to a Spider Bite This Summer
There are approximately 40 different species of spiders in Arkansas. The good news is that the vast majority of them are not venomous and according to the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Research & Extension, fatalities are rare. However, there are two spiders that you should avoid: the brown recluse and the black widow.
moreKeeping Pets Safe From Insect & Spider Bites
When we think of our pets, we often associate ticks and fleas, but there are other insects that can harm them. Yes, ticks and fleas are a big cause for concern and not something I want my dogs to have nor carry into my home. However, we should also be thinking about the harm other insects could do to them. We used to have a little Shih Tzu named Boomer, and he was stung by a scorpion. I seriously thought it killed him because he fell straight over and became paralyzed for a short time. Of course, we rushed him to the vet where he administered a large dose of an antihistamine. Fortunately, he was fine after a day or so, but it sure was scary. I have also known of dogs dying from brown recluse bites, so we really must be vigilant in keeping our pets safe from insect and spider bites.
moreIt's Summer and the Scorpions Are Out
The heat of the summer months leaves us all looking for a little relief and in search of a cool place to relax and stay hydrated. Scorpions are like us in that when the heat rises they search out water, food, and shelter to survive. If you live in an area that has rocky terrain or an area that is prone to scorpions, you are likely to see them scurrying around looking for food and water.
moreSummer Pest Prevention
Just like the scorpions, many pests love summer as many of them are less active in the winter. They enter your home seeking both food and water. Some of the pests you can expect to see in the summer are the following:
moreDon't Bring Home an Unwanted Guest From Vacation
Vacation is a time for fun and relaxation and the last thing on your mind is the possibility of bringing home an unwelcome house guest – the bed bug. They have successfully earned another name, hitchhikers. They are sneaky as they can go virtually unnoticed in their favorite hiding spots of mattresses, bed frames, and other parts of a room. They patiently wait for the next visitor to “host” them and find a new home. At this time, bed bugs are not associated with transmitting disease, but do leave behind itches bites. With that being said, the last thing I want is for my toddler or anyone in my family to be eaten up by bed bugs. Additionally, I don’t want my home invaded by them. To avoid an unwanted hitchhiker from your next vacation, follow these steps.
moreDo You Have Silverfish?
Have you noticed a silvery, metallic, insect around your home? They are called silverfish due to their coloring, fish-like shape, and movements. Some people also refer to them as “bristletails” because of their three long, bristle-like, or tail-like appendages on the rear end of their body. These insects are found throughout most places in the U.S. They especially like moist, humid areas in the home. Even if you have not noticed one of these metallic insects before, it doesn’t mean they aren’t there as they tend to hide from humans. Although they don’t have any wings, they are able to run very fast.
moreDon't Let Stink Bugs Invade Your Home This Fall
Fall is coming and stink bugs could be moving into your home for the winter. The brown marmorated stink bug is considered to be an invasive species from Asia that was first discovered in Pennsylvania in the mid-1990s and has since continued to spread across the United States. These pests are not harmful to humans but can be a very smelly nuisance when they get indoors. If they do make their way into your home, they can take quickly over.
moreWhat Was That? A Tick or Scorpion?
Is it a tick or is it a scorpion? Maybe you’ve seen them around and weren’t quite sure what they were. More than likely you’ve seen a pseudoscorpion. This insect is like a really small scorpion without a tail or stinger. They do have venom glands in their claws used to kill food sources such as tiny mites and springtails. Fortunately, they don’t pose a threat to humans or pets as they don’t have the strength to pierce a human or pet’s skin.
moreDon't Let Wasps Ruin Your Special Day
You’ve planned every detail of your outdoor wedding or special event. The decorations were planned and executed, and the menu is nothing less than perfect. However, there is one small detail that many people don’t often think about … wasps. They are among one of the few things that can spark complete mayhem and ruin your special day. Let’s not even go down the path of a guest being allergic to them. To make sure your day is as perfect as you planned, here are a few tips to keep the wasps away.
moreWas That a White Roach?
Have you seen a ghostly-looking roach lurking around your home or business? It is quite rare to see a white roach but not unheard of. Some people call them albino roaches, but there is no such thing as an albino roach. Is this a new species? No, it’s actually just a regular old cockroach that is newly molted. When an insect molts it comes out white and stays that color until the new exoskeleton has time to harden.
moreKeeping Pests Away This Holiday Season
“It’s the holiday season (the holiday season, so hoop-de-do and dickory dock…” Andy Williams famously sang this song, Happy Holiday/The Holiday Season, that has become synonymous with the holidays. Families are getting into the holiday spirit by decorating their homes with their beloved holiday decorations. For the majority of us, those decorations have been stored for the past year and often hold more than our beloved ornaments. All too often, those holiday decorations are home to unwanted pests such as spiders, ants, cockroaches, and sometimes even rodents! These boxed decorations give food, shelter, warmth, all with the added luxury of not being disturbed for the past year.
moreMosquitos Don't Go Away in the Winter
Think the cold weather brings an end to pests such as those pesky mosquitos? You might want to think again. Mosquitos don’t die when the first frost hits. However, don’t fret too much, you can take action during the winter to prevent a future mosquito problem from hatching come spring.
moreTermites Don't Take Off During the Winter
Although the calendar says it’s winter and the temperatures are cold, termites don’t stop working. Termites are like the Energizer Bunny; they just keep going and going and going. Their relentless work often results in significant threats to your property if it hasn’t been treated properly.
moreThe Silent Destroyer
Do you have the silent destroyer living in your home quietly working away at thousands of dollars in damage? Termites are called “the silent destroyer” for a reason.
moreTake Care of Spring Pests Now
The calendar has just marked the beginning of spring. The green grass and spring blooms are a welcome sight to the dreary winter browns. However, an unwelcome sight is the return of many pests such as carpenter ants, flies, mosquitoes, and spiders.
moreCarpenter Ants Cause Damage Too
Springtime is carpenter ant season. These ants differ from others as they are not just a nuisance but can cause thousands of dollars of damage to a structure. While this may sound a lot like the termite, they differ because they don’t actually eat the wood, they excavate it. Carpenter ants do their damage by making a small hole in the wood, creating tunnels and pushing out little wood shaving debris.
moreThe Importance of a Termite Inspection
The housing market is still hot. A majority of the houses on the market are listed and sold all in the same day. A crucial part of the home buying process is a termite inspection. While it’s not as glamorous and exciting as buying new furniture, it is very important.
moreTermite Inspection - Don't Buy A House Without One
The housing market is hot, and many people are taking advantage by buying or selling their homes. Once an offer is accepted there are several things that will occur to execute the transaction particularly if a lender is involved.
moreDon't Bring A Home Unwelcome Tourists - Bedbugs
Summer is here and that means vacations and traveling. After a little fun in the sun and needed downtime. Other than rest and relaxation and a few chosen souvenirs, the last thing you want to bring back is an unwelcome tourist to your home --- the dreaded bedbug.
moreWhy Hire a Pest Control Professional
There are a number of at-home pest contract products on the market, so why do you need to hire a professional pest control company. While your first instinct might be to reach for one of those do-it-yourself products, the problem is that they rarely work, especially on a long-term basis.
moreClean Homes Can Have Pests Too
Although your home may be spotless, unfortunately, you are still vulnerable to pest infestations. That’s not to say that homes don’t have a higher chance of infestations due to crumbs on the floor and cabinets and spilled drinks. Many times, pests aren’t invading a home looking for food, they are looking for shelter or water, which clean homes can supply.
moreMost Ants Are Just A Nuissance, But Two Types Are Mighty
Ants always seem to find their way to any outdoor barbeque or picnic and quite often into our homes. Fortunately, most are just a nuisance and don’t cause any real harm to humans or structures with the exception to the carpenter ant and the fire ant. These nuisance ants can, however, get into air-conditioner units and short them out during the hot summer months, so if you have any air conditioner problems, you might want to check the outside unit to see if ants are the issue.
There are many important details when building a new home or business from deciding what style, exterior and interior finishes, and the list goes on. One that is not seen but very important is making sure the necessary steps are taken to prevent a termite invasion in your new home or business. Termites cause millions of dollars’ worth of damage to homes and businesses each year and new builds aren’t exempt.
You know termites eat wood but what kinds of wood and what other materials do they eat to cause thousands of dollars in damage to homes every year? Termites aren’t craving the wood; they want the cellulose from the wood. Cellulose is a biological compound found in wood, primarily in wood and tree roots.
As the leaves begin to fall and the temperatures drop, there is a greater possibility of mice seeking shelter in your home. Mice and all rodents seek warmth, shelter, and a solid food source. To keep your home from becoming a rodent haven this winter, it’s best to take action now and address minor maintenance items.
Weekend outdoor barbeques and dinners are sometimes just what the doctor ordered after a long work week. There’s something special about eating dinner al fresco, but what is not special are when unwelcomed visitors like flies and mosquitos decide to crash the party. In addition to having the interior and exterior of your home professionally treated by a reputable pest control company on a regular basis, there are a few plants you can add to your outdoor space to ensure peaceful dining.
As the fall and winter months approach and the temperatures begin to tumble, many pests will begin searching for a place to shelter during the upcoming cold months. Rats and mice are certainly a part of those that are looking for shelter. They can be found in every town and farm in the country and have no affinity for a specific social class. They are equal opportunity pests. They don’t care as long as their three basic needs are met: food, shelter, and water.
As the fall and winter months approach and the temperatures begin to tumble, many pests will begin searching for a place to shelter during the upcoming cold months. Rats and mice are certainly a part of those that are looking for shelter. They can be found in every town and farm in the country and have no affinity for a specific social class. They are equal opportunity pests. They don’t care as long as their three basic needs are met: food, shelter, and water.